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[Sztyca regulowana] Crank Brothers Kronolog


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Kupilem kilka dni temu regulowana sztyce Crank Brothers Kronolog i od razu pojawil sie problem.

Chodzi mi o blokowanie sie sztycy kiedy siade na siodelku. Po po prostu sztyca sie nie blokuje jak siade na siodelko, zsuwa sie na dol..

Mial ktos juz taki problem ? Nie sadze, aby tak mialo byc bo przeiez mijalo by sie to z celem.


@piciu256: tzn jak siade na siodelku a sztyca jest wysunieta calkowicie to jest blokada. Dopiero jak chce np ustawic sztyce do polowy to wtedy nie ma zadnej blokady i zjezdzam do konca.


//poprobuje z ta linka cos porobic

The Kronolog's relatively simple twin steel locking plates either must be fully open to allow the post's upper tube to cycle up and and down freely, or fully closed against the upper tube in order to hold it in place. It's when the rings are only partially activated that damage to the upper tube will occur, says Brewster. "Please note that during our ride testing, we have posts that have over 2000 hours of riding on them," he continues "and without the shaving or slipping that you experienced. Fundamentally, the system works and is robust. When the system is adjusted correctly (with the proper amount of lever play), and the parts are made correctly, then the post should operate extremely well." Brewster puts the blame for our post's damage on either faulty cable tension setup or a burr on the cable that prevented it from releasing properly, and also admits that 3 - 4mm of lever free play is ideal instead of their original number of 2 - 3mm. 



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