Eneen Napisano 7 Lipca 2017 Napisano 7 Lipca 2017 Witajcie,W poszukiwaniu prawidłowego ustawienia offsetu siodła trafiłem na całkiem ciekawy artykuł: https://www.sheldonbrown.com/kops.html Nie jestem w stanie jednak zrozumieć dość istotnego fragmentu: I begin my fitting procedure by taking the standard anatomical measurements that have mechanical significance, including two leg lengths (inseam and hip socket to floor), foot length, torso length, and a measure of arm from the shoulder to the center of the hand as it clasps the handlebars. Then I determine the rider's CG. For convenience, I use his seated CG which I measure by placing the rider in a full crouch against the wall and have him back up on his feet a bit at a time until he is on the verge of toppling over. Since a human being always balances on his feet. I know his CG will be right over the balls of his feet at the moment he topples over. I measure this distance away from the wall. This becomes the horizontal coordinate for the rider's center of gravity. Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc.
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